Wednesday, November 26

Brrrrrrrrr, it is cold in Canada!

It is really really cold here, minus 10 Celsius (25 Fahrenheit)...brrrrrrrrrr! I still refuse to put on socks, but have had to break down and take off my bikini and replace with pants and sweaters, and jackets, mitts and a hat!! Fortunately the sun is shining, and no snow, so it is quite beautiful still. The lake is frozen, and safe enough to walk on. I love this time of year before it snows, the colours are still deep oranges and browns, and the ice is only a few inches thick so you can chase the fish swimming underneath. This does not last long as the ice will freeze to a couple of feet thick. And then get covered by snow. But then the fun starts when you can drive your car across the lake...thats always good for a bit of stress and thrills!